In the popular media

Astral Projection, ESP (extra sensory perceptions), etc. often appear in popular media like novels, movies, comics, etc.

See child pages below for examples.

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Issues related to this page:

ProjectSummaryStatusPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
Astral City Documentation ProjectPopular media: star Stekactivenormalfeature request11 years 44 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectThe Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassusactivenormalfeature request15 years 4 weeksaugustin
Astral City Documentation Project3rd rock from the Sunactivenormalfeature request15 years 6 days
Astral City Documentation ProjectField of Dreamsactivenormalfeature request15 years 4 days
Astral City Documentation Projectpopular media: crooks or fake paranormal activityactivenormalfeature request14 years 42 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectThe lovely bonesactivenormalfeature request14 years 47 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectEvil Angelactivenormalfeature request14 years 47 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectThe 6 million dollar manactivenormalfeature request14 years 23 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectLie to me s02e01activenormalfeature request14 years 18 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectIsaac Asimovactivenormalfeature request14 years 17 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectCasperactivenormalfeature request13 years 33 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectBattlestar galacticaactivenormalfeature request13 years 25 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectBabylon 5activenormalfeature request13 years 15 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectFirefly: River, psychicactivenormalfeature request13 years 12 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectThe Golden Childactivenormalfeature request13 years 8 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectThe Invention of Lyingactivenormalfeature request13 years 6 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectMoonlightingactivenormalfeature request12 years 45 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectThe preacher's wifeactivenormalfeature request13 years 2 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectHugo (2011 movie)activenormalfeature request12 years 42 weeks
Astral City Documentation ProjectDream analysis in popular mediaactivenormalfeature request12 years 31 weeks