Preparing tapes to listen at night

The last two nights, I have done something I don't do really often: I slept with earphones, listening throughout the night to some inspiring and spirituality-related mp3 I have. I listened to them throughout the night. They clearly influenced my dreams. I play the files in random order so that my dreams mixed the content of some file (by one speaker on one topic) with the content of another file (another speaker, another topic)... The results were comical.

What I would like to do now, is prepare a collection of files to listen at night. To do so, I need to select the best mp3s and edit them so as to filter out any negative comment that I don't want to be influenced by.

I started with one talk by Christiane Northrup called "Power of Joy". The tape is full of good advice, very inspiring and very funny. The audience laughed throughout her talk. Still, she mentions a few negative things, to make a contrast. The original audio file is 11 minute long. I culled all the negative bits and the filtered new file is 7 minute long. What I like in this tape is all the parts where the audience is guffawing :D .

I'll listen to it tonight. In the next weeks and months, I'll prepare more audio files to create a whole collection that I can listen in random order throughout the night.