Three Bodies Doctrine

Three Bodies Doctrine

1. Sthula sarira or the gross body

the material physical mortal body

2. Uksma sarira or the subtle body

the body of the mind and the vital energies

Pranamaya Kosha (Vital breath or Energy),
Manomaya Kosha (Mind),
Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect)

The five subtle elements
1) sravanadipanchakam - the five organs of perception: eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose
2) vagadipanchakam - the five organs of action: speech, hands, legs, anus and genitals
3) pranapanchakam - the five-fold vital breath: Prana (respiration), Apana (evacuation of waste from the body), Vyana (blood circulation), Udana (actions like sneezing, crying, vomiting etc), Samana (digestion)
4) Manas
5) Buddhi, the Intellect, discriminating wisdom

3. Karana sarira or the causal body

the cause or seed of the subtle body and the gross body